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One of the failings was in having people who had no real understanding of what a good internal investigation looks like make an assessment of what the PO did when discrepancies and concerns were raised. The PO Investigations Team never did any sort of proper investigation and someone with investigations experience would have realised this. (FWIW I set up and ran a City investigations team for 14 years so I know what proper investigations look like. The PO investigations were nothing of the kind.)

The same failing afflicted Brian Altman KC in his review.

The KC'ssimply did not have the necessary experience and knowledge to assess this. In part they were chosen because those commissioning the report never grasped thatthe fundamental problem was not Horizon as such but the PO's response when problems with it were raised i.e. the failure to investigate these issues properly. That was never ever done and from that failing the miscarriages of justice, the cover ups etc flowed.

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